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The registration of a course on CRICOS must include the expected duration of the course. The registered duration cannot exceed the time required for completing the course on the basis of the normal amount of full-time study. Only courses which can be undertaken on a full-time basis can be registered on CRICOS. A course will not be registered on CRICOS unless it meets the relevant Australian Qualifications Framework requirements or those of any other appropriate quality or accreditation framework, if an appropriate framework exists.
For English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS), a course duration range may be specified on CRICOS as the study duration will vary according to each student’s learning goals which will be reflected in the expected duration of study specified on the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). ELICOS courses remain subject to the requirement in paragraph 7.1 that only full-time courses can be registered on CRICOS.
The designated authority must take into account the proposed course structure when determining the appropriate duration for registration on CRICOS (that is, the number of compulsory terms or semesters each academic year). The registered duration of the course must include approved holiday periods and any approved periods of work-based training. When the course duration is not specified by the accrediting authority, the designated authority will determine the course duration based on a minimum of 20 scheduled course contact hours per week.
Proposed changes to the registered duration of a course must be approved by the designated authority prior to the changes being made.
Normal amount of full-time study is the enrolment load that a student would be required to undertake to complete the course in the advertised course duration. This is linked to the Australian Qualifications Framework and should not differ between domestic and international students.
Where course duration is established by the accrediting authority, the normal amount of full-time study will be the amount of study required to complete the course within the course duration.
In the higher education sector the normal amount of full-time study for the purposes of calculating course duration and expected duration in reference to Standard 9 is the enrolment load that equals 1 equivalent full-time student unit in a year. It is equivalent to the amount of study used in forecasting course duration for domestic students.
Is it permissible for a full time course to be registered on CRICOS where the internal mode of delivery uses block study or intensive study? For example, where units are taught on an intensive basis for four weeks and then the students may have a class free period before the next units begin?
Under Part C Section 7.1 of the National Code 2007, a course must be capable of being undertaken full-time to be registered on CRICOS. A course can be taught entirely through the use of accelerated or intensive delivery subjects if this complies with the accreditation of the course.
The provider then has an obligation to monitor the workload of an overseas student to ensure the student completes within the expected duration of the course. It would also be necessary to make it clear in the promotional material provided to students how the course was going to be delivered to ensure that students are not misled.
Under Part C Section 9.1 of the National Code 2007, courses delivered entirely by online or distance learning cannot be registered on CRICOS. If there is any component of off-campus study, providers must ensure that other requirements under the National Code 2007, such as student support, can be met.