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As a part of the registration approval process, the designated authority will conduct at least one inspection of the provider’s premises to ensure that the provider meets Standard 14 (Staff capability, education resources and premises). For this purpose, the provider’s premises include all locations where the provider operates, as well as the locations of providers with which the provider has an arrangement. When applicable, it may also include sites of work-based training.
The designated authority may choose to accept from a provider a statement that it satisfies all of the requirements of the National Code without an inspection, so long as the course is provided entirely by the provider (that is, not under an arrangement with another provider). The designated authority may also accept clear evidence that the facilities meet Standard 14, based on reports from persons authorised by the designated authority to provide the advice.
Further inspections will be conducted by the designated authority as appropriate during the period of CRICOS registration. These further inspections may include unscheduled visits when the designated authority deems such a visit is warranted.
An inspection will include interviews with management and staff of the provider. It may also include interviews with students and other clients of the provider and observations of teaching.
The designated authority may choose to accept a statement attesting to a provider’s compliance with the National Code 2007. The designated authority will decide whether such an attestation may be made by the provider or a person authorised by the designated authority to provide this advice.
If the designated authority chooses not to accept a statement, at least one inspection will be conducted of all of a provider’s locations including locations of providers with which the provider has an arrangement and sites of work-based training where applicable.
Inspections are conducted by the designated authority as appropriate during the period of the CRICOS registration.
Where a designated authority chooses to accept an attestation, it will provide a proforma to guide the making of such an attestation.
The statement of compliance (signed and dated by the PEO) must attest to the provider's compliance with all relevant compliance requirements under Parts C and D of The National Code 2007.
An inspection shall include management, staff, students or other clients of the provider.
Under Standard 14.3, a registered provider must notify the designated authority of any intention to relocate premises at least 20 working days before the relocation.
We have advised our designated authority that we want to attest that we satisfy the National Code 2007 without having an inspection, but the designated authority says it will not accept our attestation and intend to inspect. Can we insist that the designated authority accepts the attestation?
No. It is the designated authority’s choice whether to accept an attestation.