On 31 October, 2012, Senator the Hon. Chris Evans, Minister for Tertiary Education announced a new $37 million grants program to encourage more Australian tertiary students to study for part of their degree in an Asian destination.
Working with universities and VET institutions, the Australian Government is making an overseas study experience to Asia more accessible.
The AsiaBound Grants Program will provide over 10 000 places for Australian students to take up study opportunities in Asia.
Australia needs its future leaders in universities, businesses and government to be Asia-literate. These are skills best learnt by experiencing Asia first-hand.
For more information please see the AsiaBound announcement media release and download the fact sheet below.

Caption: Stephen Parker, University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor and Monique Skidmore Pro Vice-Chancellor International join with Minister Evans, Minister Garrett and students to celebrate the launch of AsiaBound at Parliament House, Canberra.