On 15 December, Ms Juhee Hong, Education Director, Australian Embassy, Seoul delivered a presentation on the Australian education system and Australia-Korea school collaboration programs to 120 Korean school teachers in the Jeonnam region, a province in the southwest of Korea.
The presentation was very well received with teachers expressing interest in learning more about the opportunities for cooperating with Australia. This was all achieved via live video conferencing without taking a single step outside the Embassy!
Video conferencing is increasingly used by Australian and Korean schools to cooperate. With only an hour or 2 time difference between Australia and Korea, more and more schools have been engaging in video conferences in recent years. Language, culture, and even certain subject areas can be covered during these video conferences. Korean schools interested in more active engagement with Australian schools may use video conferencing as a step before face-to-face exchanges during school holidays.
Employing the same technology that Australian and Korean schools use, Post continues to pursue innovative ways of working to bring information about Australia’s high quality education to Korea.