Mr Colin Walters, CEO, AEI, visited India and Sri Lanka from 18 – 22 June to meet with education and training government officials, peak bodies (including industry), and Australian university representatives.
In India, the annual Joint Working Group (JWG) on education and training was a success with strong recognition of the expanding bilateral education and training relationship.
The JWG agreed to continue to build on engagement, primarily through the Australia India Education Council, in a number of areas including:
• up-scaling engagement between mutually agreed Australian and Indian Skills Councils
• building on joint initiatives such as the Australia India Skills Conference in Perth on 10-11 July
• building VET collaboration through various models including Training of Trainers and distance learning; and
• signing a Memorandum of Cooperation on student mobility and welfare later in 2012.
Following the Joint Working Group, Colin Walters visited Sri Lanka where he met the Secretary of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Education, Dr Sunil Nawaratne. AEI will work with the Sri Lankan Ministry of Education in implementing Sri Lanka’s national qualifications framework.

Colin Walters (centre) with the Joint Working Group.