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Courses delivered entirely by online or distance learning cannot be registered on CRICOS. Courses with a distance or online component can only be registered on CRICOS where the designated authority is satisfied that these courses meet the minimum requirements as specified in Standard 9.
Overseas students are now allowed to undertake up to 25 per cent of their course by online or distance education.
This clarifies the existing policy position that courses delivered entirely online or distance education cannot be registered on CRICOS (previously 'distance' was considered to include 'online'). Plus, the addition of the word 'entirely' clarifies the distinction between a full course and components of a course delivered by online/distance study.
Providers must monitor each student’s enrolment to ensure they:
take no more than 25 per cent of their course online or by distance education; and
are enrolled in at least one face-to-face subject in each compulsory teaching period.
Where courses are delivered through:
Whether a subject, unit or competency is being delivered in online, distance or face-to-face modes will be assessed on the basis of the dominant mode of delivery.
A designated authority will determine whether a subject, unit or competency is being delivered online or by distance through consideration of the dominant delivery mode.
If a student seeks recognition of prior learning for studies completed by online or distance education do those studies count toward the calculation of the 25 per cent in the student’s current course?
Under Standard 9 of the National Code 2007 a student cannot study more than 25 per cent of his or her course by distance or online learning. As the limit is based on the current course of study, studies undertaken in another course should not be counted within the 25 per cent.
If a course is delivered by online means but the student attends the provider’s premises in order to access the course materials, is that still online?
Yes, if the student is solely communicating with the teacher through electronic means then this will be an online unit, regardless of where the student is physically situated.
If a student’s dominant mode of communication with his or her teacher is by videoconference or teleconference, is this distance or online learning?
This unit may be considered to be both online and distance learning. The teacher and student are separated in time or space throughout the duration of the course and the communication is through electronic technologies.