Australia's international education relationship with China has been developed over many decades and is a relationship that is held in high regard. Chinese students contribute greatly to our education institutions and society, and each year more Australian students are coming to China to undertake study and learn about China’s society and culture.
The ‘AddChina’ toolkit – for
undergraduates and
postgraduates, is an online resource encouraging Australian students to consider higher education study in China.
The AddChina initiative encourages Australian students to consider education courses in China that are delivered either in Chinese languages or increasingly in English. Australia and China are committed to building higher education sectors that prioritize access and equity. Both countries are looking at how to meet skills needs, build greater links between research and industry, and support collaboration between institutions and two-way student mobility.
This third edition of the AddChina initiative has been revised and refreshed to include more information about opportunities to study in southern, western and central China. As always, we encourage you to AddChina, and see where the path takes you!