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Data visualisations to explore the international student demographics at Australian institutions.
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A graph showing actual student numbers on a student visa in Australia by nationality and state..Data can be disaggregated by state, and the user can toggle between the current and last years' data.
An overview of where international students studying in Australia on a student visa come from and what they are studying here.
The geographic areas (categorized by ASGS SA4 Level) where international enrolments and commencements are in Australia can be explored by this data visualisation.The regional data is updated monthly with each release of the international student data.
(Warning: 20MB data download)
A map showing the distribution of international student enrolments across Australia. Enrolments data can be disaggregated by nationality and education sector.
Pathways of international students while on a student visa. Various pathways can be downloaded, including pathways post ELICOS, post Schools, prior to VET and prior to Higher Education. Pathways cohorts can be examined by nationality.The pathways data is updated monthly with each release of the international student data.