International students have the same workplace rights and
protections as anyone else working in Australia.
These resources below provide information to help
international students identify signs of workplace exploitation and seek help
to resolve workplace problems.
你的工作權利 受到威脅嗎?
你是否一名在工作上 遇到麻煩的國際學生?
你與老闆交談 有困難嗎?
你不了解自己在 工作場所的權利? 你的工作場所權 利受到侵犯嗎?
他是小陳,之前是 一名國際學生
If you think you are not being treated fairly at
work, talk to your boss or contact the Fair Work Ombudsman for help. There is
free advice in multiple languages for anyone working in Australia. Phone - 13
13 94 Online -