The Brasilia Education & Science Office supported a visit by Ms Liz Pearse, Director - Information, Analysis and Reporting, TEQSA to South America in December 2015.
This visit included bi-lateral meetings with quality assurance agencies in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, and meetings with education stakeholders, agencies and universities. Ms Pearse gave several formal presentations, including a key note address at the Inaugural International Meeting on Higher Education hosted by the Peruvian Ministry of Education in Lima on 11 December.
The visit was an important opportunity to showcase the Australian experience in assuring the quality of higher education and assisted greatly in further supporting the growing education and science relationship between Australia and Latin America.

Preparing for a workshop at the Consejo Nacional de Acreditacion in Bogota, Colombia on 4 December 2015.
Ms Pearse(right) pictured with Mr Camilo Pena, Education Manager, Austrade - Colombia and Ms Carla Furlan,
Education Manager, Education & Science Office – Brasilia

Ms Pearse speaking at the Inaugural International Meeting on Higher Education, Lima, 11 December 2015.

Ms Pearse providing an address on the collection and dissemination of higher education information and data, Lima,
11 December 2015