14 September 2013
Students across Australia will learn more about the lives of Thai students and the workings of Thai schools after a group of Australian teachers visited Thailand in June 2013 as part of the inaugural Australia-Thailand Building Relationships through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement (BRIDGE) program. The program aims to increase their knowledge and understanding of each other’s society and culture; share pedagogical practices; and build professional and personal networks between teachers and schools.
Eight teachers from across Australia travelled to Thailand as part of the reciprocal leg of the BRIDGE program, following a visit by Thai teachers to Australia in May 2013. The teachers participated in a three day professional development workshop with their Thai counterparts, and then undertook home stays and visits to the Thai partner school. The Australian teachers were struck by the large class sizes, the Thai Government's commitment to provide an electronic tablet to every student, and the prevalence of English language and international programs offered in some Thai schools.
Now that the Thai and Australian teachers have completed their visits and returned home, partnerships between classrooms will be built. For example, students in Rhiannen Gimpel's home economics classroom in John Paul College in Queensland undertook projects to create recipes for Australian dishes with Thai influences, which were shared with students in Thailand.

Australian Ambassador to Thailand, HE Mr James Wise, hosts welcome reception with Australian and Thai BRIDGE teachers.