On Friday 28 March, Robert Griew met with Professor Abid Khan, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (Global Engagement), Monash University here at the Department of Education and signed the contract for Government funding for the Australia-Indonesia Centre.
Announced by Prime Minister Tony Abbott during his visit to Indonesia in 2013, the centre will strengthen and deepen Australia-Indonesia business, government, education, research and community links. It has the important goal of increasing understanding and cooperation between the two countries.
The Australian Government will provide $15 million over four years to set up the Australia-Indonesia Centre. Monash University, the University of Sydney, the University of Sydney, the Australian National University and CSIRO will also contribute funding.
The centre aims to promote greater community understanding of contemporary Indonesia and its growing importance to Australia. It will also pursue solutions to shared national challenges in the areas such as health, food, energy, infrastructure and education through collaborative research by networks of universities and research centres in Indonesia and Australia.

Robert Griew meets Professor Abid Khan

Signing the contact for Governement funding